Sunday, May 6, 2012

Message 6 May 2012

Message—6 May 2012

Dear Family & Friends,

We had some great experiences this past week.  Monday 8 new missionaries arrived in the mission; 6 Elders and 2 Sisters.  Two of the Elders were unexpected surprises; they were sent to our mission while awaiting visas for South American countries.  They were both assigned to work in areas where we have missionaries who teach Spanish speaking people; they were assigned as a “threesome” meaning three missionaries together.  One is Elder Adair, we already have an Elder Adair; they both met each other and decided they were not related.  The other one is Elder Wilson; we already have an Elder Wilson also, we do not yet know if they are related since they have not met each other.  One of the other new missionaries is Elder Olsson from Sweden; he speaks English well but he does have a Swedish accent.  These new missionaries will be great and have good success.  Monday evening we met at the President’s home and provided our new missionary orientation instruction to the new ones.

On Tuesday the missionaries involved in the transfers required to make a place for the new missionaries to serve, met at the Kreag Rd. Chapel.  The President there announced the companions the new missionaries would serve with.  We had mail and other items for many of the missionaries.  I had three new Toyota Corolla’s to assign to three companionships and had to take the three older cars to the mission office so I can start getting them ready to sell.  It was nice to have the transfers on May 1st so the miles record keeping procedures were much easier.  On Wednesday another new Toyota Corolla was switched with a companionship of Sisters who live within a half mile of the mission office; so it was easy to make that change.

On Wednesday Elder Swanner and Sister Carver completed their mission and returned home.  Elder Swanner had served in Brockport while we lived there and we came to be very close.  He has made great progress and positive changes in his life while he has served as a missionary.  Sister Carver was one of the Site Training Sisters for several months.  Sister Chatterton and Sister Hatch are now the Site Training Sisters.  Elder Larson will return home on May 9th, a few weeks early, so he will be able to start his college classes on time.

Wednesday evening we attend the Site Training Meeting at the Hill Cumorah Visitors Center.  Sister Chatterton and Sister Hatch shared a new video the Church has made, the title is “God’s Plan”; it is about families being together forever.  It is a very powerful video.  While we were viewing the video several of the young Sister missionaries were very touched by the Spirit.  One Sister just really sobbed for the rest of the meeting.  You have to understand that some of the missionaries who come have some very heart wrenching family messes at home.  This sister is one of those who come from a family life that is far from ideal.  At this point in time the video is only available at church visitor centers; if you get a chance to see it please do it.

Thursday evening we taught the Institute Lesson in the Geneseo Ward; it was on 3 Nephi Chapters 11-14; which is the beginning of the Savior’s appearance to those who were still alive after all the destruction that took place when the Savior was crucified.  Two young ladies in the ward attended; Jill and Caitlin.  They are both finishing their college classes this coming week and taking finals and graduating.  Our discussion was great and the Spirit was there to help us learn together.  The Elders assigned to the ward came late and also participated in the lesson.  One of things we did was compared the differences in wording between the accounts of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew and the equivalent Sermon given at the temple in the land Bountiful among the Nephites and Lamanites.  If you have not done this before it is a great teaching and learning experience.

Sister Jensen was busy every day this week helping Sister Servoss and Sister Christianson with meals and snacks for the new missionaries on Monday, on Tuesday they fixed dinner for the missionaries going home.  Wednesday they had a day off of fixing food.  Thursday she helped with the snacks for the training of the new missionaries and their companions.  On Friday she helped with the food for the Zone Leader Council meeting which was from to 9am-4pm.  They fixed snacks and lunch for those attending.  I kept busy all week with issues related to the new car switches, and other repairs needed and getting the monthly car reports collected and processed.

Friday evening we drove to Warsaw for a baptism of Bert, who Elder and Sister Jones, a senior missionary couple serving there, had taught and helped prepare for baptism.  It was a great baptism service.  The Jones’s have made a great contribution to the Warsaw ward while they have been here.  The first counselor in the Branch Presidency, Art Crater; told me the Jones’s had helped find and account for over 30 branch members.  They either found the people or found where they had moved to and helped the clerk update the membership records.

Saturday we had a P-Day and did things around the house that needed to be done and did some shopping.  I helped Elder Servoss build a hand rail going up the stairs into his attic.  On Monday May 14th the senior couples, including the Site Couples, are coming to the Servoss’s for a FHE.  He and I will coordinate to take the couples in small groups to see the baptism site of Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball and other early Mendon Saints; the Tomlinson Inn, and the Boughton Hill Cemetery; and the John Young Home here where we live.

Sunday, today, we had a great Fast & Testimony meeting.  One young man, about 7 years old, shared a very powerful message and testimony.  It was short, but very powerful.  He said he had learned that following the Savior is like a river.  If we stay in the calm water where it is safe and we can see the Savior on the shore, we will be blessed and helped to do what is right.  If we get out in the swift water it is like being in Satan’s area and we will be carried away from the Savior.  That just about sums up Heavenly Father’s plan for us doesn’t it.  I am continually amazed at the spiritual perception of our youth.  Jill and Caitlin both shared their testimonies; they were both converted last year while attending Geneseo College.  Jill shared her experience for a class she is taking in which she had to make a piece of jewelry, she chose to make a ring for her boyfriend who is coming to see her this week and propose marriage to her.  She had made what she thought was a serious mistake and was about to give up and risk failing the class.  Then she decided to pray for help, which she said she have done earlier; thinking that Heavenly Father was so busy with all the hard problems of everyone else that he may not have time to help her.  She used her faith and prayed for help with fixing the ring.  After praying for help the inspiration came to her to make a matching piece like she thought she had ruined so they both looked the same.  Heavenly Father helped her do this right; and so the ring turned out beautiful and unique.  She says I relearned that prayers are answered even if they seem to be for a small thing.  She also said it reminded her that the atonement can fix any mistake we make if we repent and change our attitude and do our best to do what is right.

This evening we are going to watch the CES Fireside here at our place with Elder and Sister Servos and Sister Crook and Sister Jones (one of the new sister missionaries who came this week).  Elder Marlin K. Jensen is the speaker, and he has some video clips he will use that were taken at the historic sites last month.  Some of our missionaries will be included in the video clips.

We very much appreciate all who are helping take care of our home and yard for us.  We know it is not convenient for you to do things for us, but you will be blessed in many ways as you serve us.  We were very pleased and delighted to learn that Britt had completed his GED requirements this past week, congratulations; and keep doing the good things you have been doing.  We are very grateful that Lynne was able to give birth to Dylan Joseph Watkins, our last grandchild, number 28, on May 3rd, also Megan’s birthday.  All went well and we hope Lynne will regain her strength soon; and that Dylan will continue to grow and develop and become the person Heavenly Father sent him to the earth to become.  We are also happy that Olivia’s surgery went well last Tuesday; we hope she will continue to recover and do well.  We love you all and pray for you by name, and for your specific needs each day.  May you all be blessed with the help Heavenly Father knows you need to enable you to do all you are required to do.

We love you,

Mom & Dad, Grandma & Grandpa, Richard & Maxine

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