Sunday, July 8, 2012

Message 8 July 2012

Dear Family & Friends,

Monday in the mission office staff meeting a question was brought up about a website that some investigators are being pestered with by the anti-Mormon groups about polygamy.  President Christianson also told us of the group of gay people who had marched to Ensign Peak in Salt Lake to announce their choice to leave the church.  President had us read together a few scriptures; one of them is in Moses 5:32-33, 36-38.  In verse 32 Cain rose up and killed Abel. In verse 33 Cain gloried in that which he had done, saying “I am free”.  In verses 36 and 37 Cain learns from God what the punishment is for killing Abel.  In verse 38 at the end it states …”my punishment is more than I can bear.”  As you relate this verse to the gay people who left the church; they now think they are free from living the law of chastity.  The day will come when they will think their punishment is more than they can bear.  We are certainly free to make the choices we want to make, but we are not free from the consequences of the choices.  We also read and discussed some of the scriptures both ancient and modern about polygamy.  President shared some information with us to help us understand more about polygamy.  Since the church has not practiced polygamy for over 120 years, why does it matter now?  This is just another of Satan’s efforts to try and keep people from joining the only true church on the earth.  When I was released from the stake presidency a few years ago, Elder Holland was there to take care of the change in the presidency.  In his Sunday morning remarks he made a comparison to us being on the ship with Lehi and his family as they crossed the great waters.  He said we are on the ship with a prophet of God who receives revelation to help us keep safe from Satan’s efforts to lead us away from the true and everlasting gospel.  No matter how rough things get for us; for heaven’s sake, please do not jump ship; you will end up in Satan’s power.  There is nothing outside of the church and revelation from a living prophet which is going to make things better or save us.  The true doctrine of Christ, which is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance through the atonement of Christ, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end of our lives in obedience; is the only way to safely return to Heavenly Father.  We can’t get distracted by the things of the world and the lies and deceit of Satan.  We had a good discussion on these things for a while.

Tuesday we worked on some projects that we needed to get done in the office.  Wednesday, the mission office was closed.  We spent our day trying to keep from getting cooked in the heat and humidity.  We enjoyed our day together.  We went to the Hill Cumorah to deliver some things with the Servoss’s Wednesday morning.  While there I found Steve Phelon, Josh’s boss in Pleasant Grove; and visited with him for a few minutes.  He and his wife accepted a calling to come to the Hill Cumorah Pageant for 5 years in a row to help with setting up the lights and stage for the Pageant, I think this is the fourth year he has come.  He operates the fork lift among some other things as well.  It turns out that Steve’s home in Utah is across the street from Dan and Andrea Bulkley, Jay’s daughter.  He is also close to where Jay lives, and has talked with him a few times.  Also he is good friends with the McVea’s.  We sure meet a lot of people here in NY who know our family and friends in Utah.

Thursday we spent some time making a scale model of the new office we will be moving into by the end of August.  We also made some scale models of the office furniture out of thin foam board.  Then on Friday we spent a little time trying some different arrangements of the furniture in the model of the new office space.  We also did a lot of other office work as well.

Saturday we went to Fayette to attend one baptism, and ended up staying for another baptism.  Earlier in the week Sister Jensen had received a phone call from the mother of one of the Elders, Elder DeLaCruz.  She asked if there was a bakery someplace close to where her son was serving that she could call and have them deliver a birthday cake to him on Saturday, his birthday.  We did not know of any bakery in the area where the Elder is serving; so Sister Jensen said we would be happy to get a cake and have the mother’s message put on it and deliver it to him.  Delivering the cake was our first reason for going to Fayette; but since the Elder and his companion were going to be at the baptism we decided to stay for the baptism as well.  The Servoss’s went with us.  A mother and her 9 year old son were baptized.  After the baptism we took the Elder out to the car and gave him the cake from his mother; he was very happy and grateful.  We learned there was going to be another baptism after the first one; so we stayed for it also.  The second baptism was for a man who had been taught by several sets of missionaries for several months.  He is a very well educated man and had discussions with President Christianson as well.  President Christianson performed the baptism.  The man lives in Buffalo, but he wanted to be baptized at a church history site.  President gave permission for him to be baptized in the chapel at the Peter Whitmer Farm.  We love to attend the baptisms of converts, the spirit is always present.  When we arrived home, we spent some time doing our P-Day work.  In the evening we sat down and read a good book together.

Today we attended our church meetings; at least we attended the Sacrament meeting and Sunday School.  At the end of Sunday School we gave a ride to Elder Davis and Elder Maisey to Warsaw; so Elder Davis could interview a lady there who is going to be baptized on July 21st.  We were able to visit with Elder and Sister Jones, and Elder Ivie and Elder Hunt, and also with the husband, Bob, of the lady who will be baptized while the interview was done.  The husband is a fine man with a good sense of humor.  He is being a little slower at accepting the gospel, but there is hope he will soon accept the invitation to be baptized.  While there in Warsaw at the church, I also met a young lady in the Warsaw Branch; her last name is Johnson, who has been working in the BYU Library for Roger McFarland shelving books on the 5th level.  She is hoping to be able to transfer to working at the 5th floor Humanities Reference Desk this fall.  Her father is in the Branch Presidency.

We express our great love for each of you.  We are so blessed to have you in our lives and our hearts.  We have learned much from each of you and we pray for your well-being and your happiness as you go through life’s experiences and challenges.  We know Heavenly Father lives and loves us all and we know he will bless us all as we pray to him for help and are wise enough to do what the Spirit tries to tell us to do.  We pray for Jay and Loni as they make adjustments in their lives; we trust the Lord will continue to bless them for their many years of faithful service in the kingdom.

We love you all,

Mom & Dad, Grandma & Grandpa, Richard & Maxine

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