Sunday, September 23, 2012

Message--23 September 2012
Dear Family & Friends,

This past week has been one in which we have been greatly blessed in multiple ways.  Monday and Tuesday were Mission Conference days.  On Monday the missionaries (including senior couples) in the Buffalo and Rochester Zones met together in the chapel in Batavia with Elder Anthony Perkins and his wife and also President and Sister Christianson.  Elder Perkins, of the First Quorum of 70, was assigned President Packer to do several mission tours in a row, with our mission being the next to last one.  On Tuesday we met together with the missionaries in the Palmyra North and Palmyra South Zones in the Palmyra Stake Center with Elder & Sister Perkins and President and Sister Christianson.  We attended both days because we had been assigned to provide lunch and snacks for the morning and afternoon breaks for all who attended.  We were blessed to hear a lot of the instruction that was given by Elder Perkins, Sister Perkins, Sister Christianson, and President Christianson, and then again by Elder Perkins.  We missed some of the instruction while we set out the snacks for the morning break; then again while set up the lunch and cleaned up after the lunch.  We had good help from some of the senior couples to get the lunch made and set out.  We missed a few minutes again to put out the snacks for the afternoon break.  The instruction was basically the same both days, but there were some differences in the Tuesday meeting.  Elder Perkins began the meeting both days to prepare us for the instruction we would receive during the rest of the day by sharing a concept taught by Elder Bednar.  Elder Perkins said Elder Bednar had said he wished we could change the way we refer to our meetings from the usual Sacrament Meeting, Priesthood Meeting, Relief Society Meeting, and etc. and start using the phrase “Revelatory Experience”.  That is what should happen any time we meet together to receive instruction.  In order for that to happen we each need to read our scriptures daily during the week, and pray and ponder and determine some questions for which we would like to receive answers, and write them down.  Then pray before going to the “Revelatory Experience” for the Holy Spirit to reveal to us the answers to our questions.  Then we need to pay attention and listen for the Spirit to reveal to us the answers for the questions we have written.  Elder Perkins then invited all of us to take a few minutes and write two questions for which we would like to have answers; one question related to our proselyting work and one related to our personal lives.  At the end of the day Elder Perkins asked us to raise our hands if we had received answers to our questions; almost everyone raised their hands.  He then said if we did yet receive our answers that we should continue praying and pondering and listening and the answer would come in the Lord’s wisdom and timing.  At the end of the meetings about 20 minutes or so was allowed for the missionaries to share their testimonies.  Several of the missionaries stated in their testimonies that they had received answers early in the day others ahd received answers later.  Another concept Elder Perkins taught also came from Elder Bednar in an address he gave last Christmas Day in a sacrament service in the Provo MTC on Christmas day in 2011.  Among other things he taught was that while we are met together to be taught we should listen for what the Holy Spirit teaches us personally.  If we try to write down everything that is being taught that is like writing the Large Plates of Nephi.  We will have spent our time and effort recording a history of what took place, but missing what the Spirit could have taught us.  When we do this type of note taking we usually do not remember what we wrote, nor do we ever go back and read them, and usually we cannot find where we wrote the notes.  We should instead record the Small Plates, the things taught by the Spirit, that will be of eternal worth to us.  The focus of the instruction both days was on how to effectively teach the commandments to investigators in ways that will help them to accept the invitation to live the commandment.  We should teach the what, why, and how, of the commandment with our witness of the why and also a witness of the promised blessings for keeping the commandment.  He used the law of tithing as the example.  The other point of emphasis was on how making and keeping commitments opens the way for receiving the witness of the Holy Ghost to know the truth and power of the commandments; and how they can bless us and lead us to receiving the blessings that will help bring us to Heavenly Father and the Savior.  Both days of instruction were very helpful and strengthening to the missionaries and to us personally.  Sister Jensen was totally exhausted after several days of planning and doing the work to help provide the food for these two meetings; but she is faithful and diligent to complete whatever she is assigned to do; she is awesome example of obedience and service.

Wednesday we spent the day catching up on the things which we did not get done while we were out of the office all day Monday and Tuesday.  Wednesday evening we attended the Site Training meeting at the Hill Cumorah.  Sister Hatch and Sister Madsen used their training time to let us see the first half of Elder Bednar’s 2011 Christmas Day address in the Provo MTC.  We arrived home about 10pm and were very tired but grateful for the blessings and experiences and opportunities of the previous three days.

Thursday after we left the mission office we drove to Geneseo and had some dinner; then went to the chapel to get things ready for our first night of our Institute class for the fall semester.  We only had two young men attend the class.  Brother Don Gammon came and provided the instruction for the class.  Don teaches two Thursdays a month and we teach the other weeks when he cannot attend.  Don is the Western New York Regional CES Coordinator; he covers the area from Buffalo to the Finger Lakes area and then North to the Watertown area; so he does a lot of traveling to these other areas.  He is a good teacher and is very helpful to us.  We are going to study the New Testament this year and we are going to teach the lessons using the harmonized method.  This means we take each of the events of the life of Christ, beginning with his birth and before, and then going through the rest of the events in his life in chronological order.  This means we examine what each of the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John had to say, if anything, about each event.  We will cover the rest of the books of the New Testament in the next semester beginning in January 2013.  We are looking forward to learning the New Testament using this method.  We are still trying to make connections with a few more LDS students who are attending the Geneseo College to invite them to attend Institute.

Friday we were able to mostly get caught up on all of our mission office responsibilities.  There were two vehicle accidents the week before which I am still trying to follow up on to get approval from the insurance to have the vehicles repaired.  The lady in the insurance office assigned to take care of these two accidents made an interesting comment.  She told me she would love to have one day in which all the missionaries in the church were not allowed to drive their vehicles so all the insurance agents could maybe get caught up on the accidents they already have to take care of; before any new ones were reported.  I think there is a message in this comment for all missionaries to be obedient and careful to help reduce the number of accidents that occur.

Saturday the 22nd of September, we drove to the Joseph Smith Farm in Palmyra to meet with President and Sister Christianson and the AP’s and four other missionaries and two other senior couples.  You may remember that September 22, 1827 was the night Joseph Smith had Emma go with him in a borrowed wagon at midnight to receive the gold plates from Moroni; so this was the 185th anniversary of that event.  President Christianson had offered to take anyone who wished to go with him on a walk from the Joseph Smith Farm to the Hill Cumorah.  We suppose Joseph would have taken the most direct route a wagon could travel to get to the Hill.  Since there was some rain Saturday morning, so the fields and woods were very wet.  Also most of the property between the Farm and the Hill are now private property; and because Highway 21 now has so much traffic and the road is narrow and the speed limit is 55mph, we chose to take a different route that was a little longer walk, but much safer for the group.  Before we left we had prayer together, and in the prayer we petioned that the rain would not hamper our time together; our prayer was answered; there was a little mist for a few minutes now and then but no serious rain.  From the Farm we went south down Stafford Road then left on a road which went over to Route 21 just south of the Hill Cumorah property, this was about a 3 mile walk.  The President showed us along the way where Porter Rockwell had lived, and also where the school house was in which Oliver Cowdery had taught school before serving as the scribe for Joseph to help with the translation of the Book of Mormon. An LDS family now lives in this old rock building that was built about the same time as the Martin Harris home.  When we reached the Hill we stopped for a short rest and a drink of water.  The President then took us on some trails along the west side of the Hill and pointed out some places which had church history importance.  The Hill Cumorah is a drumlin which is a ridge on the east side of where an ice flow had carved out a small valley between two ridges.  We then went along a trail just inside the edge of the trees on which Bob Parrott has put in some signs to inform people of the various kinds of trees which are in the original forest on the south portion of the Hill.  The North part of the Hill was completely bare from the 1830’s until the late 1930’s when Willard Bean was able to help the church purchase all the property of the Hill Cumorah.  When the church owned the property Willard was able to obtain from the Forest Service 70,000 trees for free.  He was able to find help, which included some missionaries, to assist him in planting the trees on the part of the Hill which was bare.  The more southern part of the Hill has had some of the same old forest trees that were there when Moroni first met Joseph Smith on the Hill. This means some of these old trees were present when Moroni came to teach Joseph Smith.  We then circled back along the Hill through the old forest and the President pointed out some interesting things about the old forest.  He also shared with us some thoughts he had about how hard and lonely it must have been for Mormon and Moroni to watch all of their Nephite people be destroyed before their eyes.  Then Moroni ran for his life and wandered around alone for over 35 years, before he placed the gold plates in the box on the west side of the Hill, not far from the top.  How happy and delighted Moroni must have been to finally, in 1823-1827, show Joseph where the plates were and instruct him on all that he was to do in the coming years.  After the translation was complete, Moroni then met him and took the plates back to keep them safe until the time is right to have the sealed portion of the plates made available to us.  We had a great four hours together, and I learned a lot.  Saturday evening I worked on preparing a talk for our sacrament service on Sunday.  Bishop Powell had asked me to speak on the topic of how to prepare for sacrament meeting.

Today we attended church in Geneseo and I gave the message the Spirit prompted me to prepare and deliver.  It was a good meeting.  I learned later after High Priest Group Meeting from Brother Rob Baldwin, first counselor in the Bishopric, that he had promised a person in the ward earlier in the week that if they would attend sacrament meeting that they would a receive a message especially for them through the Spirit.  This person told Rob after the sacrament meeting today that they had indeed received the very message about the sacrament for which they had been seeking.  So Elder Bednar’s instruction is correct if we prepare and listen we will have a revelatory experience; including having the Spirit help the person doing the speaking to prepare and deliver what others need to learn from the message given.  This was indeed a great learning experience for me.

This afternoon we went for a little ride and took a few pictures on the video camera of the soybean fields and some other vegetable farm scenes.  We also took some video of a few of the maple trees which are beginning to show a little red.  The temperature was cooler than it has been; it was in the 60’s when we started and in the 50’s by the time we arrived back home in less than one hour.  Fall is in the air here.

We express our love for each of you and hope and pray all is well with you and your families.  May you be blessed in all the ways that will benefit you and help you to live in harmony with the teachings of the Savior.  We share our witness that Heavenly Father and the Savior live and love us and will help us if we ask in faith; and then obey what the Holy Spirit tells us to do.

Mom & Dad, Grandma & Grandpa, Maxine & Richard

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